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Emissions are on the rise despite new energy installations which are 90% renewable. Immediate action is required to reach Net Zero. The urgency increased due to war, geopolitical risk & resource dependency .

The transportation sector is the major driver of increasing emissions. Electromobility does not scale fast enough and has geopolitical risk. This is why transportation is our initial focus.
We look at a 50 - 70 years transition but need to reduce our carbon footprint today.

 /Fossil Fuels account for about 84% of Global Energy needs and for about 74% of global CO2 emissions

A transformation to electromobility would take about 50-70 years


About 2 billions conventional Cars & Trucks

About 4.2 bn tons Fossil Fuel are consumed per year, 1.7 bn tons by transportation only


Carbon Neutral Fuels are a fully synthetic alternative to fossil fuels and can significantly contribute to an instant decarbonization of the existing infrastructure while new mobility concepts and technologies like e-mobility including the greenification of energy production scale over the next decades.
CNF can replace Fossil Fuel in existing engines & infrastructure. They are a battery for renewable energy and guarantee independence from providers of critical resources. This is why we launch Fuel-Swap as a first initiative of gr33nBASE.

1/ CNF can Greenify all existing Conventional Engines

3/ CNF is easily made available anytime and everywhere

The liquid fossil fuel consumption of transportation sector amounts to about 40% of the total consumption, which includes industry and household, e.g. heating.

4/ Each liter CNF has an immediate direct impact to reduce additional CO2 emissions by 3.2. kg CO2 (incl 0.8 kg  supply chain emissions) 

 /Fossil Fuels account for about 84% of Global Energy needs and for about 74% of global CO2 emissions

A transformation to electromobility would take about 50-70 years

About 2 billions conventional Cars & Trucks

About 4.2 bn tons Fossil Fuel are consumed per year, 1.7 bn tons by transportation only

Fuel-Swap Impact:CNF can reduce the global C02 footprint by about 6Gt (17%) per year

Carbon Neutral Fuels are a fully synthetic alternative to fossil fuels and can significantly contribute to an instant decarbonization of the existing infrastructure while new mobility concepts and technologies like e-mobility including the greenification of energy production scale over the next decades.
CNF can replace Fossil Fuel in existing engines & infrastructure. They are a battery for renewable energy and guarantee independence from providers of critical resources. This is why we launch Fuel-Swap as a first initiative of gr33nBASE.

1/ CNF can Greenify all existing Conventional Engines

2/ CNF are made with Renewable Energy from Water and CO2

3/ CNF is easily made available anytime and everywhere

4/ Each liter CNF has an immediate direct impact to reduce additional CO2 emissions by 3.2. kg CO2 (incl 0.8 kg  supply chain emissions) 




  • Buy CNF for own use now or in the future.

Digital Twin:

  • Proof of Green & Carbon Credits  


Incentivize early adopters with Ecosystem Tokens, which capture value & make them co-curators & co-owners, building community via racing & more strategic partners


Provide investment opportunities that matter for CNF Ecosystem & Infrastructure ventures, e.g. production plants